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Wavesim Forum Group

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Imaad Mohammed
Imaad Mohammed

Hi all,

I have a question regarding Wavesim capabilities. I am a beginner to EM simualtions. 

Can it be used for periodic structures (varying refractive index as cosine function in 16micron depth). I am using RCWA (Maxwells equations) for this which has to descretize a 16 micron thickness into hundreds of layers to give good result. I was wondering if wavesim will provide a faster solution for this. I am interested in polarisation, diffraction, reflection and transmission of my structure.

Thank you.

Swapnil Mache
Swapnil Mache
Sep 27, 2024

Hi, Imaad. Welcome to the Wavesim forum! If my understanding of RCWA is correct, it requires a constant refractive index in the z-direction (for each layer). Is that right? Assuming yes, Wavesim does not have this limitation, and you can assign a different refractive index for every pixel/voxel. I think there's some potential for improvement in speed or accuracy, or maybe even both! We can help you set up a simulation to test this.


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